Here’s how to un­break float­ing-point math in JavaScript

Be­cause com­put­ers are lim­it­ed, they work in a fi­nite range of num­bers, name­ly, those that can be rep­re­sent­ed straight­for­ward­ly as fixed-length (usu­al­ly 32 or 64) se­quences of bits. If you’ve only got 32 or 64 bits, it’s clear that there are only so many num­bers you can rep­re­sent, whether we’re talk­ing about in­te­gers or dec­i­mals. For in­te­gers, it’s clear that there’s a way to ex­act­ly rep­re­sent math­e­mat­i­cal in­te­gers (with­in the fi­nite do­main per­mit­ted by 32 or 64 bits). For dec­i­mals, we have to deal with the lim­its im­posed by hav­ing only a fixed num­ber of bits: most dec­i­mal num­bers can­not be ex­act­ly rep­re­sent­ed. This leads to headaches in all sorts of con­texts where dec­i­mals arise, such as fi­nance, sci­ence, en­gi­neer­ing, and ma­chine learn­ing.

It has to do with our use of base 10 and the com­put­er’s use of base 2. Math strikes again! Ex­act­ness of dec­i­mal num­bers isn’t an ab­struse, edge case-y prob­lem that some math­e­mati­cians thought up to poke fun at pro­gram­mers en­gi­neers who aren’t blessed to work in an in­fi­nite do­main. Con­sid­er a sim­ple ex­am­ple. Fire up your fa­vorite JavaScript en­gine and eval­u­ate this:

1 + 2 === 3

You should get true. Duh. But take that ex­am­ple and work it with dec­i­mals:

0.1 + 0.2 === 0.3

You’ll get false.

How can that be? Is float­ing-point math bro­ken in JavaScript? Short an­swer: yes, it is. But if it’s any con­so­la­tion, it’s not just JavaScript that’s bro­ken in this re­gard. You’ll get the same re­sult in all sorts of oth­er lan­guages. This isn’t wat. This is the un­avoid­able bur­den we pro­gram­mers bear when deal­ing with dec­i­mal num­bers on ma­chines with lim­it­ed pre­ci­sion.

Maybe you’re think­ing OK, but if that’s right, how in the world do dec­i­mal num­bers get han­dled at all? Think of all the fi­nan­cial ap­pli­ca­tions out there that must be do­ing the wrong thing count­less times a day. You’re quite right! One way of get­ting around odd­i­ties like the one above is by al­ways round­ing. So in­stead of work­ing with, say, this is by han­dling dec­i­mal num­bers as strings (se­quences of dig­its). You would then de­fine op­er­a­tions such as ad­di­tion, mul­ti­pli­ca­tion, and equal­i­ty by do­ing el­e­men­tary school math, dig­it by dig­it (or, rather, char­ac­ter by char­ac­ter).

So what to do?

Num­bers in JavaScript are sup­posed to be IEEE 754 float­ing-point num­bers. A con­se­quence of this is, ef­fec­tive­ly, that 0.1 + 0.2 will nev­er be 0.3 (in the sense of the === op­er­a­tor in JavaScript). So what can be done?

There’s an npm li­brary out there, dec­i­mal.js, that pro­vides sup­port for ar­bi­trary pre­ci­sion dec­i­mals. There are prob­a­bly oth­er li­braries out there that have sim­i­lar or equiv­a­lent func­tion­al­i­ty.

As you might imag­ine, the is­sue un­der dis­cus­sion is old. There are workarounds us­ing a li­brary.

But what about ex­tend­ing the lan­guage of JavaScript so that the equa­tion does get val­i­dat­ed? Can we make JavaScript work with dec­i­mals cor­rect­ly, with­out us­ing a li­brary?

Yes, we can.

Aside: Huge in­te­gers

It’s worth think­ing about a sim­i­lar is­sue that also aris­es from the finite­ness of our ma­chines: ar­bi­trar­i­ly large in­te­gers in JavaScript. Out of the box, JavaScript didn’t sup­port ex­treme­ly large in­te­gers. You’ve got 32-bit or (more like­ly) 64-bit signed in­te­gers. But even though that’s a big range, it’s still, of course, lim­it­ed. Big­Int, a pro­pos­al to ex­tend JS with pre­cise­ly this kind of thing, reached Stage 4 in 2019, so it should be avail­able in pret­ty much every JavaScript en­gine you can find. Go ahead and fire up Node or open your brows­er’s in­spec­tor and plug in the num­ber of nanosec­onds since the Big Bang:

13_787_000_000_000n // years
* 365n              // days
* 24n               // hours
* 60n               // min­utes
* 60n               // sec­onds
* 1000n             // mil­lisec­onds
* 1000n             // mi­crosec­onds
* 1000n             // nanosec­onds

(Not a sci­en­ti­cian. May not be true. Not in­tend­ed to be a fac­tu­al claim.)

Adding big dec­i­mals to the lan­guage

OK, enough about big in­te­gers. What about adding sup­port for ar­bi­trary pre­ci­sion dec­i­mals in JavaScript? Or, at least, high-pre­ci­sion dec­i­mals? As we see above, we don’t even need to wrack our brains try­ing to think of com­pli­cat­ed sce­nar­ios where a ton of dig­its af­ter the dec­i­mal point are need­ed. Just look at 0.1 + 0.2 = 0.3. That’s pret­ty low-pre­ci­sion, and it still doesn’t work. Is there any­thing anal­o­gous to Big­Int for non-in­te­ger dec­i­mal num­bers? No, not as a li­brary; we al­ready dis­cussed that. Can we add it to the lan­guage, so that, out of the box—with no third-par­ty li­brary—we can work with dec­i­mals?

The an­swer is yes. Work is pro­ceed­ing on this mat­ter, but things re­main to un­set­tled. The rel­e­vant pro­pos­al is BigDec­i­mal. I’ll be work­ing on this for a while. I want to get big dec­i­mals into JavaScript. There are all sorts of is­sues to re­solve, but they’re def­i­nite­ly re­solv­able. We have ex­pe­ri­ence with ar­bi­trary pre­ci­sion arith­metic in oth­er lan­guages. It can be done.

So yes, float­ing-point math is bro­ken in JavaScript, but help is on the way. You’ll see more from me here as I tack­le this in­ter­est­ing prob­lem; stay tuned!