An­nounc­ing a poly­fill for the TC39 dec­i­mal pro­pos­al

I’m hap­py to an­nounce that the dec­i­mal pro­pos­al—a pro­posed ex­ten­sion of JavaScript to sup­port dec­i­mal num­bers—is now avail­able as an NPM pack­age called pro­pos­al-dec­i­mal!

(Ac­tu­al­ly, it has been avail­able for some time, made avail­able not long af­ter we de­cid­ed to pur­sue IEEE 754 Dec­i­mal128 as a data mod­el for the dec­i­mal pro­pos­al rather than some al­ter­na­tives. The old pack­age was—and still is—avail­able un­der a dif­fer­ent name—dec­i­mal128—but I’ll be sun­set­ting that pack­age in fa­vor of the new one an­nounced here. If you’ve been us­ing dec­i­mal128, you can con­tin­ue to use it, but you’ll prob­a­bly want to switch to pro­pos­al-dec­i­mal.)

To use pro­pos­al-dec­i­mal in your project, in­stall the NPM pack­age. If you’re look­ing to use this code in Node.js or oth­er JS en­gines that sup­port ESM, you'll want to im­port the code like this:

im­port { Dec­i­mal128 } from 'pro­pos­al-dec­i­mal';
con­st x = new Dec­i­mal128("0.1");
// etc.

For use in a brows­er, the file dist/Dec­i­mal128.mjs con­tains the Dec­i­mal128 class and all its in­ter­nal de­pen­den­cies in a sin­gle file. Use it like this:

<script type="mod­ule">
im­port { Dec­i­mal128 } from 'path/to/Dec­i­mal128.mjs';
con­st x = new Dec­i­mal128("0.1");
// keep rock­ing dec­i­mals!

The in­ten­tion of this poly­fill is to track the spec text for the dec­i­mal pro­pos­al. I can­not rec­om­mend this pack­age for pro­duc­tion use just yet, but it is us­able and I’d love to hear any ex­pe­ri­ence re­ports you may have. We’re aim­ing to be as faith­ful as pos­si­ble to the spec, so we don’t aim to be blaz­ing­ly fast. That said, please do re­port any wild de­vi­a­tions in per­for­mance com­pared to oth­er dec­i­mal li­braries for JS as an is­sue. Any crash­es or in­cor­rect re­sults should like­wise be re­port­ed as an is­sue.
