Rack­et­fest, the lit­tle Rack­et con­fer­ence that could, is back!

I'm hap­py to an­nounce that Rack­et­fest, the rogue lit­tle Rack­et con­fer­ence I or­ga­nize, is back! The next edi­tion will be Sat­ur­day, March 18, 2023 in Berlin, Ger­many. There wasn't a 2022 edi­tion of the event; the last run was in 2021, which was held on­line on gath­er.town. The last in-per­son edi­tion was in Feb­ru­ary 2020, right be­fore COVID-19 took every­thing down.

To sub­mit a talk, just go here. The same form can be used to nom­i­nate a speak­er, in case you your­self don't have any­thing to con­tribute but know of some­one do­ing cool Rack­et-y stuff. To reg­is­ter for the con­fer­ence, go here.

See you in Berlin!